Field of Flowers Award

Dreaming of Flowers

Well, I’ve been dreaming again…

Hang on someone’s banging in the bathroom…

potty training fun 😐

Ok I’m back but I only have 25 min. so I’ll try to be quick!

I got nominated for the Field of Flowers Award from a fellow blogger Zainab from A mom’s blog | “A child is God’s opinion that the world should go on.”.  Please check out her blog when you get a chance. There are some wonderful stories and some beautiful pictures. Zainab lives in Dubai. She has illustrated and published two children’s books. (Check them out here).

I love these awards – mostly because of the sense of community they bring to blogging – getting to know new people (at the other end of cyberspace OR at the other end of the world.)  Feeling under appreciated? Check out my awards page for the Damp Laundry Award. This could just be the non-award for you! (The Damp Laundry Award is just for the non-award believers out there – a bit of pessimistic humor that made me laugh)

Field of Flowers Award
nominated by Zainab

The rules for accepting the Field of Flowers award are:


▪Thank the blogger who nominated you

▪Place the award on your blog

▪Nominate 7 other bloggers and write a little something about why you would give these bloggers

A Field Of Flowers

▪Let your nominees know that you nominated them

Ok so without further ado…. (drum roll)

The nominees are:

(in no particular order – we’re in a hurry here)

10 Daily Tips to Keep Your Home “Clean Enough” | SimpLeigh Organized

Weekly Writing Challenge: The Sound of Silence | medicinalmeadows


Wait! Why are you running away? – how to look like a really bad parent in public | lindaghill

One Word Photo Challenge | Jennifer Nichole Wells

Are You A Character? | Rachel Carrera, Novelist

Joy! While waiting for April… | Words ‘n Pics….

Thanks again for all the support and encouragement!
Liana and Stephen

9 thoughts on “Dreaming of Flowers”

    1. lol Thanks 🙂 I try to keep my sence of humor and singing helps – the best part is my son’s infectuous laughter when I sing his favorite success song… Today was the 2nd accident free day – he stayed dry all day between trips to the potty (25 min between trips and Day 15 – 16 – I’m loosing count – of Potty Training) 🙂


      1. Congratulations on 2 dry days! That’s quite a milestone! Your mention of his laughter reminded me of when we were trying to potty train my Autistic son. He’d hold it forever. Finally, in desperation, we sat him on the toilet and made him laugh until he couldn’t hold it. We did that for a full year before he finally started going on his own!
        Frustrating, but at least we had fun. 😀


    1. Rachel,
      I’m so glad you enjoyed the award! You deserve it! I enjoy seeing the characters in your story come to life. I admire your determination and your friendship out in the blogosphere. Thanks for all the encouragement! 🙂
      Liana and Stephen
      P.S. I’ll be thinking of you when I watch Law and Order – lol


    1. Thanks Lita! I’ve been in a bit of a funk recovering from the stomach bug and now Stephen has it too 😦 So I’m taking the time to catch up on some reading and find some new inspiration. There are so many wonderful writers out here in the blogosphere! These awards have taken me on a journey of their own, meeting new people and making new friends. I’m so grateful to have so many wonderful bloggers like you to brighten my days 😉 Especially the sick days!


      1. Likewise Liana!! It’s been such a joy to meet so many lovely people here on the blogosphere. It’s great how everyone shares from the uniqueness of their life things they have learnt and experienced. I love your posts. The awards are exciting, such a great way to hear more from future blog pals!

        I hope Stephen is feeling a bit stronger soon. So glad you are clear of it. Tummy bugs can make you feel so ghastly. 😦 Hopefully it’s soon on its way out. 😀 😀

        Hope you have some lovely flowers popping up in your garden to match your superb award! We have a few daffodils so far.

        You don’t need me to tell you how impressive you are to give so much love and care to the folk in your world. You are such a supportive blogger too. Here’s a couple more cheers for you dude! 😉 Wishing you many beautiful flowers.


Any thoughts? Feel free to comment!